Cultural Etiquette in Nepal

The following points of cultural etiquette in Nepal are good to know before your travel.

  • The formal greeting in Nepal is Namaste, which is said during the meeting and departure.
  • Before entering into the temple, take off your shoes.  If you are entering in the prayer room of a house, the same rule is applied.
  • Left hand is used for the toiletry purpose, so food is not taken as worthy to eat or be touched by left hand. However, some left handers use the same hand for eating.
  • Wearing short garments are not usual in the mountain region. However, it is common in the city areas.
  • You are not allowed to wear the things of leather while entering into the temple.
  • Kissing and hugging in public are not in practice but hugging is okay. Public affections are not regarded as a good thing.